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I as well walked in to the movie thinking it had been some type of twilight based

movie. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the entire film because of its outlandish humor and

lead celebrity. Some parts in which a little bit shocking but nothing at all too much from


crossing over a particular line. I’ve never read an individual book of the series; even though movie does

a wonderful work explain what is heading on and who many people are.

Vampire academy from periods provided us teen angst and do over sexual nearly all

of its cast in a few scenes. So if they’re planning for a sequel please

don’t shove intercourse right inside our faces. It believed it had been a film that had

potential to become a bit darker than simply being just surrounded by higher

school problems. However the whimsically teen aspect didn’t maintain this movie

from the slight gore

Like almost every other fan, sometimes you obtain afraid they may screw up

the movie, or even to get to the main point where you state ‘The Book had been better’.

Vampire Academy like any book, converted to a movie could have some

changes, everything can not be the same as the textbooks but thrust me If

you browse the books and you also love the collection you’ll love the film!!In my own personal opinion it had been Amazing!!Yeah like I mentioned they produced some

little changes however they wont influence you at all, it make the

movie more fascinating and significantly I arrived of the cinema